Chitrakatha 09 starts tomorrow in NID, Ahmedabad.. Rishabh Shrivastav, Editor, CGTANTRA will be giving you a daily dose of the activities around there on CGTantra Blogs, so stay connected ,
n a fancy Parisian Cafe, an uptight businessman is about to pay the cheque when he finds out that he has lost his wallet. To save time he decides to order more coffee. French Roast is a character driven short film about appearances. Without any dialouge, the story is told through character animation, music and sound.
Blue is a fast paced action film, which has over 1200 shots that have passed through the vfx pipeline. Commenting on the project, Merzin Tavaria, Chief Creative Director, Prime Focus and VFX Supervisor on Blue, mentioned, "The visual splendour of the sea has never been captured before in any Indian film like it is in Blue. This is underpinned by a huge pipeline of VFX shots which were delivered by our team here at Prime Focus. We are proud to be associated with such an ambitious project and hope that the movie turns out to be a visual effects treat for the viewers." Reupal Rawal, VFX supervisor on the project added, "It is a pleasure to have worked on a big budget visual effects wonder called Blue. Considering that the theme necessitated plenty of visual effects work, the director allowed us a great deal of latitude to showcase our creativity and skills to create some fabulous VFX shots. We are proud to be associated with projects such as Blue which we believe will raise the bar of visual effects in Bollywood."
Many years Urs looked after his aging mother. But now he sets out for a dangerous journey: He carries her up a mountain to find a better place for both of them. But his mother doesn't want to leave her home. . With appealing layouts, symbolic cinematic approach and beautiful matte paintings the film takes you with it. Let's go behind the scenes of the film.