Friday, December 05, 2008

Ram Mohan - The master himself

A master class with the master himself, an event held at Whistling woods on the 5th Dec with a crowd of approximately 300 saw Ram Mohan give out his years of expertise all thanks to TASI. Ram Mohan started off with character establishment with respect to the duration of the film. If it is a very short film there is very little time to establish the character hence the characteristics should be very precise and give out details in a short time. Based on Attitude and body language he sketched out 3 types of character poses which help define a particular attitude. A character with the chest out establishing confidence, strong will etc, then a character with his belly out hence showing laziness and lethargic characteristics. The next was a character with his nose out which shows him to be a Nose poker and a cunning character. Since these are stereotypes he also showed how any of these characters could be used with each other like a character that might have his belly out still can be a confident character. He drew an example, a character inspired by Charlie Chaplin, a small guy, yet displaying confidence and ready to take on the world. A character of Alfred Hitchcock drawn was a round character but shows ample confidence and pride. When voice overs are done for animation movies the people are also shot acting for what they are saying. Robin Williams and Eddy Murphy are good examples of the same who are very good actors and provide for a good reference for the animators.

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